Ongoing Initiatives to Restore NY State’s Representative Foundation

Research, develop, educate, collaborate, and report in one of six initiatives to restore NY State’s Representative Foundation.



V. Election Process: Research and develop methods to advocate for voter ID, paper ballots, hand counting, same day voting, and eliminate machines. Learn more.

VI. Constitution Review: Research and develop a plan to use the amendment process and restore ballot initiatives and a procedure to recall elected officials in NY. Learn more.

VII. Legislative Research: Research, track and report on current bills and legislation in the state legislature. Learn more.


VIII. Precinct Project: Research, learn, implement and collaborate to restore political parties that reflect American values. Learn more.

IX. Election Research: FOIL, Research, Analyze and Report on Elections in your County. Learn more.

X. Civic Education: Educate, report and speak to Americans regarding our civic responsibilities and Project Civica initiatives. Learn more.